Business news

R&P "POLYPLASTIC" in Moscow Reached the Vaccination Rate from Covid-19 above the Level of 60% in Record Time


At the end of June, the company's General Director Alexander Pavlov made an appeal to the employees about the aggravation of the situation with coronaviris spread in Russia. He announced the launch of a vaccination campaign and demonstrated by personal example a responsible attitude to life and health – not only to his own, but also to others' ones. Within just three weeks, Moscow divisions of R&P "POLYPLASTIC" managed to achieve an overall vaccination rate of 63.5 %.

In order to encourage employees to get vaccinated, the main emphasis was made on awareness activities. At the first stage, explanatory information was sent out daily in a simple form, even animated videos demonstrating how vaccines work. The heads of company divisions answered the questions of those employees who perceived the situation with alarm: they persuaded, gave reasons, expostulated. The second stage of the information campaign was the invitation to Moscow premises of a doctor from the "red zone", who works directly with coronavirus patients and knows firsthand about the dangers of covid-19 and methods of protection.

"In July, the main efforts were concentated on vaccination of the employees on Moscow sites, since the epidemiological situation in Moscow is the most difficult. The campaign resulted in 64.2 % of vaccinated employees of R&P "POLYPLASTIC" Moscow division and 61.3% of our authorized commission agent – Polyplastic Trading House. The average figure is 63.5 %," says Alexander Pavlov. 

The campaign to protect employees from coronavirus in Moscow has been recognized as successful. The tools of its implementation will be also used for the divisions of R&P "POLYPLASTIC" in Saratov and Samara regions, where active work is also made to protect employees. For example, in Engels, a vaccination center was organized directly at the enterprise. In one day, 37 employees including the site management, were vaccinated.

"The management of R&P "POLYPLASTIC" and Trading House is grateful to every employee who was vaccinated against covid-19 during the July campaign or did it earlier. The responsibility demonstrated by them allowed us to protect lives and health of the entire team, as well as relatives and friends of our employees. For each employee who has got vaccinated, we will prepare a personal Letter of Thanks to emphasize the importance of contribution to the saving of the team and society health," said Alexander Pavlov.