Business news

“interplastica 2020”: Head of R&P POLYPLASTIC Market Development Department Anna Potapova told about the prospectives of biodegradable materials in Russia


This year the business agenda of R&P POLYPLASTIC included a specialized conference about biodegradable materials – “Recycling Solutions”. The key objective of this project is to encourage exchange of experience between leading Russian and international manufacturers of hi-tech solutions for waste processing in order to create a new and effective system of waste management. One of the key topics of business agenda were biodegradable plastics.  

Research and Production Enterprise “POLYPLASTIC” is one of the first Russian companies developing biodegradable compounds. In the early stage, they are going to be used for production of polymeric packaging and disposable cutlery. Head of Market Development Department Anna Potapova made a presentation about the prospectives of biodegradable materials in Russia.

According to the speaker, the main advantages of biodegradable materials include waste and energy resources reduction as well as the opportunity for joint use of traditional and biodegradable materials.   

However, development of biodegradable materials’ production in Russia is impossible without government support of this industry. As a possible means of economic stimulation, Anna Potapova mentioned reduced VAT rates for sale of biodegradable polymer materials, subsidizing the production of biodegradable packaging and reduction of its recycling fee.

“Development of the biodegradable industry in Russia should be applied by creating a favorable investment environment instead of artificial market formation,” stressed Head of Market Development Department Anna Potapova.